Saturday 13 March 2010

Race time

Tomorrow I will be making the trip across west London to take on my first sportive of the year - the curiously named Spring Onion which departs from Leatherhead in Surrey. It's a 100km loop that includes a thigh-trembling 1,400m of climbing. The rational part of my brain is excited about the prospect of getting out in the fresh air and doing some good miles (especially as the weather looks so enticing). However, even Dave Brailsford and the Team GB psychiatrists would have a job on their hands trying to silence my chimp today for a number of reasons:

1. This is my first attempt at a sportive since my debut in October. Things didn't go well then (I spent most of the afternoon off the back of our small group and gagging for air).
2. Only this morning did I arrive back in Blighty after spending a week in Cape Town, which involved far too much carbo-loading in the form of chips and afternoon beers.
3. Since my last post (where I confessed I have yet to have a puncture), I am fairly certain my luck will run out very soon and I don't want to be left stranded/embarrassed at the side of the road.

I'm sure that when the time comes I'll be up for the challenge - but perhaps I'd better go and watch my Milan-San Remo 2009 DVD for a bit of inspiration!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Dan, hope it goes well. Looking forward to the race report to see how you did.
