Wednesday, 17 March 2010

On the agenda today

Just sat down with Chris and his set of maps and decided to head south to Luchon today. Apart from being the arrival town of stage 15 of this year's TdF, it is also the gateway to a few climbs. One of these, the Hospice de France quite closely mirrors the profile of the Col de Marie Blanque (especially the savage last 3kms). A good chance then to test out what it will feel like come July 18th. My legs are a little deadened from the efforts of yesterday, but hopefully I will get up there in one go. I'll be making a long coffee stop in Luchon before and afterwards though!


  1. This sounds like a great experience and it's brilliant you are blogging about it. Keep the news coming - this is realy cheeringg up my dreary day in the office.

  2. Cheers Andrew - glad you are enjoying the posts, I certainly am having a fun time out here on my bike, I just can't believe it took me 27 years to figure out I love cycling! Hospice de France was closed today so I got a little over excited and went for Superbagneres instead. I'll post some thoughts and pictures as soon as I perk up a bit!

  3. Did you take your own bike or hire one? I'm interested either way what your experience is/was because I'm planning a trip over Easter and I'm not sure which to do. Looking forward to the next instalment from you.

  4. I actually ended up brining my own bike, partly through circumstance and partly through cost. Chris didn't have any size 60" frames for me to rent so it made sense to bring my own. Plus, when I added up the cost of buying a bike box and booking it on the plane, there wasn't too much difference in the cost of renting a bike for 5 days. I got a box from Wiggle in the 15% sale and (although it was a little fiddly getting it packed properly) it seemed to do the trick on the way here.
